Ask any of us in health care and we will tell you that we have had some strange encounters with patients or their family members. I have a favorite...
I was called to the bedside of a very unfortunate patient in his early thirties with a head bleed. The man needed surgical intervention beyond the scope of the tiny rural facility in which I was employed at the time. Air transport had arrived to take him to the nearest trauma center, and I was standing at his head, bagging. I couldn't step away, as I was literally breathing for the guy. We call the wife in to say whatever she needed to say to him as we were pushing the stretcher out to the helo pad. I hate this part. Usually, it makes me tear up. Not this time. It was all I could do to remain professional and not crack. This woman actually walked up to her husband and said the following. "Nothing better happen to you, because you know what will happen, don't you? I'll have you stuffed and sit you in the corner. Taxidermy is cheaper than a funeral!" She proceeded to smack him on the forehead and tell him she would see him when she gets there.
Well, the other night, I had another strange encounter. There was a very young child who had assessments and treatments ordered every 3 hours. When this is the case, I try to be quiet as I walk in the room, hoping I can observe the child and possibly give a treatment without ever having to wake the family or the kid. This little boy's oximeter probe had fallen off of his finger, and was sort of stretched out. i figured I would put the probe on his big toe, and started to do so...
All hell unleashed. The dad started screaming at me, "Dud, what the F### are you doing??? Don't touch his F###ing feet, man. Who the F### do you think you are??? Why the F### would you do that???" Those are actual words, without the censorship. Seriously. This is a sample of what I endure at work. Really. For 12 hours a night.
1 comment:
WOW! I know a lot of people don't like there feet to be messed with, but that must have caught you COMPLETELY off-guard! Then again, you deal with enough of these things to probably expect the unexpected!
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